Smooth Sailing Back to School: A Teacher’s Guide

Smooth Sailing Back to School: A Teacher's Guide

Smooth Sailing Back to School: A Teacher’s Guide



Gearing up to teach after summer break?   Here are some tips to help get you ready for September and set you up for a productive school year.  We cover your return to teaching with tips on back to school prep, classroom setup, curriculum planning, professional development, parent communication, and teacher technology.

Classroom setup:

 If you can get into the building early, organize your classroom, decorate learning spaces, and set up resources for students.  If you don’t have a classroom assigned yet, or you do not have access to the room, you can still purchase resources and plan things out in your mind, on a piece of paper or by creating a sketch on the computer. How a room looks and feels influences productivity and a feeling of belonging and community-allowing even the most reluctant learner to want to be there.

Curriculum planning:

Even if your timetable is not completely set, you likely have an idea of what your teaching schedule will look like. Review and plan lessons, units, and assessments for the upcoming school year. Update your course syllabus as this needs to be ready the first day back.  Planning may also include effective classroom management strategies and creating a positive learning environment.

Professional development:

It may not be too late to squeeze in a workshop or conference to stay updated on teaching methods and educational trends.  Often online courses are available for teachers on an ongoing and flexible basis. Also try to set both personal and professional goals for the new school year now, before things get busy. Setting goals allows  you to stay focused and motivated throughout the year which can help with teacher burnout prevention and can maintain a healthy work-life balance. You may also want to revisit our previous blog post outlining reading and listening material for teachers: “Summer Refresh: Top Books & Podcasts For Teachers & Tutors”.

Write an introduction letter to Parents:

An introduction letter to parents is a crucial tool for establishing a strong foundation for the upcoming school year. In the letter, you can introduce yourself, clearly outline your classroom expectations and procedures, and encourage open communication and collaboration between yourself and parents. Drafting a letter in advance helps you to start thinking ahead in a positive way and deals with the practical and essential information such as contact details, classroom routines and upcoming events.

Familiarize yourself with Tech:

Technology is rapidly evolving and has become an integral part of teaching.  Sometimes schools and boards change their online information and communication systems over the summer and expect staff to stay up to date. Familiarizing yourself with technology before the first day of school empowers you to streamline workflow and boost productivity.

As a teacher, you play a pivotal role in shaping young minds, and your preparedness is essential for creating a conducive learning environment.  Moreover, the more prepared you are on the first day of school, the more relaxed you will feel and the more you will be able to start the year off on a good note!